Monday, April 28, 2008

Meanwhile Back @ The Ranch (Sivananda That Is...)

Looking up towards the sleeping quarters at Sivananda.

This weekend I went to Sivananda Yoga ranch. My main goal was to attend the Native American sweat lodge that was going on. It was very spiritually enlightening and I highly encourage it as a way to get closer to whatever deity you subscribe to. Note: I am not a religious person by any means but I have my own conception of God and respect others beliefs as long as you don't try to put them on me (or I will clobber you!) what else went on there? I did some yoga (it is official! Yoga isn't for wimps) I improved my meditation, helped in the garden, ate organic, vegetarian food. Howled in the woods, met some cool peeps and most importantly relaxed. It was a great experience.

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