During this summer there a lot of stuff to do with hands and eyes or walking around so here's how I entertain my ears when I'm not listening to the ton of music I love!
pic by Ben Taylor of Lit Riot Press, LLC.
The Daily Show Trevor Noah and his team of newsie comedians have a podcast version of the show.
Scary Stories NYC: Instead of bending to the popular allure of True Crime I personally like delving into the seedy underbelly of this city in Scary Stories NYC! Correspondent Peter Bernard leads the brigade on Alien disturbances and the latest whereabouts of Dogman, Bigfoot, and other urban legends in this New York based exploratorium of the weird and wild. You should check out their Youtube Channel and their Podcasts.
Scary Stories NYC: Instead of bending to the popular allure of True Crime I personally like delving into the seedy underbelly of this city in Scary Stories NYC! Correspondent Peter Bernard leads the brigade on Alien disturbances and the latest whereabouts of Dogman, Bigfoot, and other urban legends in this New York based exploratorium of the weird and wild. You should check out their Youtube Channel and their Podcasts.
Wild Women:
Those American Girls are a long running animated band of musicians and social media influencers who's mighty tendrils reach into music, comedy and even politics! But have they come to save modern society or destroy it? Judge for yourself!
Fish out of Agua: Fascinating storyteller Michele Carlo spins classic tunes and interesting yarns on Radio Free Brooklyn but you may listen any old time here
Fish out of Agua: Fascinating storyteller Michele Carlo spins classic tunes and interesting yarns on Radio Free Brooklyn but you may listen any old time here
https://fishoutofagua. podomatic.com/ https://www. michelecarlo.com/
Fatman Beyond with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin have the pulse on the comic world so much that news sources are now quoting them. My personal favorite is Marc a quick witted Haitian American guy from the Bronx that is a kick ass writer. He is kind of the Robin Quivers to temper Kevin Smiths Howard Stern.
Real Professional Podcast: Ja ckie Cheng (NY) and Jessica Stern (Florida) are 2 comedians that are up to shenanigans! They are constantly bugging out and cracking each other up. As a person who strives to live a life of controlled life of mindfulness (I do not imbibe beer nor consume cheesefries) I do however get a vicarious thrill from listening to these ladies that do not give an F and aren't scared of burning things down to the ground. Like a modern day American version of Absolutely Fabulous but more extemporaneous.
Dare2Draw's Creator Code: The great organization Dare2Draw has a lot of cool things going on including a show for all things geeky and quirky I have the pleasure being a part of!
https://youtu.be/erKEikDCWakFatman Beyond with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin have the pulse on the comic world so much that news sources are now quoting them. My personal favorite is Marc a quick witted Haitian American guy from the Bronx that is a kick ass writer. He is kind of the Robin Quivers to temper Kevin Smiths Howard Stern.
Emergency Awesome: I've been down with Charlie since he was giving "Hi Fives" He's one of my favorite go to commentators for all my favorite nerdy stuff.
Scene by Scene with Josh and Dean: Comic Artists Josh Neufeld and Dean Haspiel go through the movie version of Harvey Pekars American Splendor with a fine tooth comb, Interjecting their person experiences with working with Pekar, humor, comic wisdom, deep research and industry insider stories. http://scenebyscenepodcast. com/
Cartoonist Kayfabe: I dig Ed Piskors work of Hip Hop Family Tree and Xmen so I'm happy to see he also has a deep love of comics! Teaming up with fellow Pittsburgh cartoonist Jim Rugg they do this deep diving comics podcast. If you dig visuals you can watch here!
Main Street Vegan Victoria Moran one of the nicest people in the world. She did a book called Main Street Vegan who's non preachy way of presenting information and her personal experiences, left me to draw my own conclusions thus helping influence my transition to veganism and changing my universe. https://www.stitcher. com/podcast/unity-online- radio/main-street-vegan
Big Fat Vegan Radio: Comedian Laura Yaz and Drag Queen Honey LaBronx who's music, humor, intelligence and compassionate sassy spirit brings forth the vegan realness on http:// bigfatveganradio.com
Ska Parade: Tazy Phyllipz is the long standing pinnacle of Ska shows! the Skafather a tastemaker and top DJ with a deep history of Ska plus a really cool cat!
Readjunk: Rock photographer and graphic designer, Bryan Kremkau leads the Ska filled ReadJunk Podcast
Marco on the Bass: While Marc Wasserman isn't playing bass for Rude Boy George or many other cool bands or writing a book on Ska he has a cool blog and podcast!
100% Ska Podcast: From the brainchild of NYC DJ Ryan Midnight spins dat Ska!
Duff Guide to Ska: Long time Ska Bon Vivant. Steve Shafer has told the NYC area and beyond whats what in the Ska universe! Respect!
Skatune Network: I've gots to give props to Jeremy Hunter from Floridas We Are The Union. He is an ultra talented artist and unashamedly vegan!